To All Hospice Clients:

PECOS Requirement

Effective May 2024, hospices are mandated to ensure all certifying physicians and attending physicians are registered in the PECOS System. The Doctor record now has a Hospice PECOS Type flag that is updated when the PECOS check is run in Clinical.  The Hospice LOC Report's PECOS failure will be included on the Exceptions Report when this PECOS Type is not selected.

PECOS Type Example:

Once your agency's clinical software has been updated to include the new PECOS Type flags, it is recommended to
batch re-run PECOS in Clinical's Physicians library and to re-run the PECOS check when accessing any active or pre-admit patients' chart/profile. The PECOS Type selections can be manually confirmed in the Clinical Physician library and in Billing's Doctor Entity File, Other-Info tab.

Prior to the Clinical release with the PECOS Type changes, the PECOS Failure can be disabled by the user in the Hospice LOC Report's 'More Options' tab. This option should be re-enabled once the PECOS Type is importing successfully from Clinical:

Please contact Support with any questions or concerns.


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